Our History

Kid Sense LLC Established 2001

Our Guiding Mission

Kid Sense LLC delivers a community and family based Foster Care program with Foster Homes located throughout Washington State that provides Foster Parents with the supports necessary to successfully provide care to the children placed in their homes.

Our Philosophy

1. Foster parents are primary treatment providers.

As Kid Sense LLC works with each foster parent we believe that the best treatment for children in care is the daily support and guidance given by their foster parents. We see our foster parents as an expert caregiver to the children in their care. In order for our Foster Parents to have the best skills needed, Kid Sense LLC provides ongoing training and support, along with case management services  to help facilitate our Foster Parents in providing a treatment Foster Care setting in their home.

2. An in home, family based setting is best for children in care.

Kid Sense LLC is committed to providing normalcy for children placed in our homes. In general, a large number of these children enter Kid Sense LLC without having experiences most of society takes for granted. Because of this, they may be socially, culturally and experientially impoverished. Kid Sense LLC makes mindful placement decisions that best match the background of each child to the most appropriate foster home. The Kid Sense LLC Foster Parent is encouraged to provide social, recreational, and cultural/social enrichment activities.

3. A holistic, community based approach is the recipe for success.

In addition to offering collaborative, working relationships with local DCFS offices, Kid Sense LLC comprehensively assesses the need of each child and refers out to community partners. Kid Sense LLC staff and Foster Parents also works in conjunction with local schools to provide the best educational support, encouragement, and assistance.

Our Support Services

  • Licenses foster homes in Washington State
  • Clinical Case Management for each foster home
  • Respite care, 2 days a month
  • Emotional support
  • Education planning and coordination
  • Coordination with schools, courts, and service providers
  • Adequate, state determined, financial reimbursement for Foster Parents
  • Collaborate with foster parents to provide care to children placed in their home
  • Facilitate communication between DCFS and foster parents
  • Individualized training for Foster Parents
  • Skill development
  • Maintain an open, trusting, and cooperative relationship with our foster homes
  • Supervised Parent and Child Visitation
  • 24-hour, 7-day a week on-call services for immediate and emergent situations/needs
  • Referrals to family, psychological, individual, chemical dependency, and domestic violence

About Us

Kid Sense LLC was formed in 2001 by a group of long-term foster parents and professional child mental health specialists whose goal was to create an agency that specializes in supporting foster parents in their foster parenting endeavors.

Kid Sense LLC is an agency that was created to fill a need in the fostering community by doing things a little differently. Kid Sense LLC has, and continues, to support and guide foster parents as  they act as the primary treatment providers to the children in their care.

Who We Are

Currently, Kid Sense LLC is co-owned and operated by an original member who acts as our Director and is a Child Mental Health Specialist with a Master's in Education and 40+ years experience working with Foster Parents and children.

Our second co-owner also acts as our Clinical Case Management Consultant who holds a Judicial Doctorate and Doctorate in Neuropsychology.

Our Associate Director  handles all daily business and has 25+ years experience advocating for children in Social Services and the Juvenile Court system.

 Kid Sense LLC has a Clinical Case Management staff with a variety of college degrees ranging from Psychology, Developmental and Social Psychology,  English Literature and Communication, Education, Teaching, and Public Administration; along with each  5+ years experience.

Kid Sense staff is dedicated to caring and supporting the children in our homes by providing the best possible support and guidance to our foster parents.